When an employer is hiring, they already have a pre-conceived idea of who they want to hire, but what if that pre-conceived idea was a reality, because the interviewee had already followed by example of the employer him or herself. That is just the human in us. We already have a visual in all we do of how we want it done and how we want to do it. It was Adam Smith that said:
It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker, that we expect our dinner, but from their regar
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When an employer is hiring, they already have a pre-conceived idea of who they want to hire, but what if that pre-conceived idea was a reality, because the interviewee had already followed by example of the employer him or herself. That is just the human in us. We already have a visual in all we do of how we want it done and how we want to do it. It was Adam Smith that said:
It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker, that we expect our dinner, but from their regard of their own self-interest. We address ourselves, not to their humanity, but to their self-love, and never talk to them of our own necessities, but of their advantages.
Never appear to man’s better nature, he may not have one.
(Adam Smith: A Scottish moral philosopher and a pioneer of political economy. One of the key figures of the Scottish Enlightenment, Smith is the author of The Theory of Moral Sentiments and An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations. The latter, usually abbreviated as The Wealth of Nations, is considered his magnum opus and the first modern work of economics. Adam Smith is widely cited as the father of modern economics.)
What is my proposal?
To scrap the C.V, and to work a portfolio solely based on the employers experiences and how he or she got to where they need to be. Also to then allow the future employee to see exactly what the employer did to get to where they are and to give them a better understanding of what the employer is looking for.
The US Nashdaq-100 soared to peak at nearly 5000 in the first quarter of 2000. Then came the collapse, disillusionment set in. after pain millions of dollars, many internet start-ups saw failure, from this was the loss of 150,000 workers. With all initiatives there is the chance of failure and the risks are high. This is why writing on the experiences and skill sets of employers could prevent as many jobs being lost, because it would give the new entrepreneurs a chance to be indirectly mentored by the elite of business owners. (Statistics taken from: The definite Business plan: By Richard Stutely.)
According to Inc.com 73% of businesses want candidates with writing skills, so why not utilize that skill through the art of creative writing to create the candidates in a beautifully composed new light as if the biography was a short story in which captures the very essence of the business or field in which is in need.
#business #love #work #writing
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